It is interesting to read this extract from the Guardian newspaper of Sunday, which documents the point that sexual abuse of children is in danger of ghettoising the Pakistani community, when it is not statistically an Asian problem according to the author, Tazeen Ahmad. She says
“Since my Channel 4 investigation into sex gangs in the UK was aired a year ago, I’ve not once failed to be left distraught by the photos splashed month after month on our front pages. There seems to be a never-ending number of men convicted of a crime so grotesque that the worst details are often kept out of the press….
Last year, along with a C4 Dispatches team, I started investigating some of these sex gangs and how they preyed on young girls just hitting puberty. They used a deadly combination of charm, coercion and violence to groom them for sexual abuse, rape and gang-rape. What I learnt during those months has often kept me awake at night….
It’s important to stress at this juncture that the vast majority of sexual crimes against children in the UK are committed by white men and that this type of grooming is only a small percentage of those crimes. Of the 1.2 million Pakistanis in Britain only a tiny minority has any connection with such deplorable acts of sexual violence. I’m writing this carefully because I want it to be read carefully. These men may be British-Pakistani but that does not mean that this is a crime specific to British-Pakistani men.
If you want to read the full story go to