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Remembering Nora Bernard (link is to Facebook – use login then search)

It was with great sadness that members of Restoring Dignity received
word that Nora Bernard, Residential Schools advocate died on Friday,
December 28th, 2007.

Her death is under investigation by Truro
Police detachment in Truro, Nova Scotia. Details of funeral services
are yet to be announced. Once details have been released a public
statement will be issued on behalf of Restoring Dignity.

A condolences book will be set up electronically for Nora Bernard on Restoring Dignity’s Facebook, account.  For those wishing to send condolences, they  can also do so by writing to
[email protected]  We will ensure all condolences are sent to the Bernard Family and Community.

Restoring Dignity is encouraging political leaders, religious leaders, and social organizations to attend the funeral services in honor of Nora Bernard’s legacy and in order to pay their respects to the First Nations Communities impacted by the residential school’s legacy here and across Canada.

Bernard fought an 11-year battle on behalf of residential school survivors.

1945 to 1950, she attended the former Shubenacadie residential school
in Nova Scotia, where she said she was forced to work cleaning and
making clothes.

Her $14,000 compensation cheque arrived a few weeks ago. Most of it went to pay bills, her children told CBC News.

Truro police said it will likely be Monday before they release any new information in the case.

With every best wish,

Roch Longueépée


“A worldwide effort to find Restitution and Justice for victims of institutional child abuse.”

I encourage you to visit our NGO’s international website: http://restoringdignity.org

To read more click here.

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