020 8390 4701 - 10:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 16:00 Tuesday and Thursday only

Stop Church Child Abuse

(A call for a Public Inquiry into abuse of children and vulnerable
adults by Clergy in England and Wales.)


CAMPAIGN PRESS LAUNCH – Thursday 19th April 2012 – 2.00 pm

Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, LONDON, WC1R 4RL

A call by Clergy survivors support groups and specialist lawyers for a public inquiry into Church Child Abuse has received overwhelming support from interest groups and survivors.

Why do we need a public inquiry ?

Members of church organisations hold influential and highly respected roles within the community and have had unquestioned access to children and the trust of the public.
We are aware of over 68 priests (Roman Catholic and C of E) who have been convicted of serious sexual offences in the recent past. Police investigations are ongoing. Church organisations have persistently ignored and in many cases covered up complaints of abuse. We have seen clear evidence of cover-ups and we believe these are the tip of the iceberg.

The culture of denial and cover up is deeply embedded in these two churches. There is now overwhelming evidence that they are so compromised by their own failure to police themselves effectively that the only way to address the scandal of sexual abuse in the RC and C of E churches is through a comprehensive public inquiry, and we urge ministers to order this without delay.

This press release is sent by David Greenwood, chairman of STOP CHURCH CHILD ABUSE. [email protected].

(Tel: 01924 868911)

Further information is available from :-

Richard Scorer, Pannone LLP – [email protected] – 0800 840 4929

Anne Lawrence (MACSAS) – [email protected] – 020 7269 7980

Sue Cox – [email protected]

The call for a public enquiry is supported by:

Ministry and Clergy Sexual Abuse Survivors (MACSAS),

Association of Child Abuse Lawyers (ACAL).

National Association of People Abused in Care (NAPAC),

The Lantern Project,

Survivors Voice-europe.org,

National Secular Society,

Esther Rantzen

Medical Secular Forum

Survivors West Yorkshire,

William Chapman (Barrister), 7 Bedford Row,

Susannah Johnson, Barrister, 7 Bedford Row,